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Tap'n With Rapper Big Toks

Tap'n With Rapper Big Toks

Tell us about your story and how you got to where you are?

My name is Big Toks, Rapper based out of Cali. I rep all of Cali because all of Cali raised me, Sacramento, IE, Long Beach, Los Angeles have all played significant roles in my life. Currently residing in LA. 

My journey to music was not a typical one. I have been in the banking industry for many years, and I never thought about making music until I had a near death experience. I was working as a branch manager in South Orange County, and I wasn't satisfied with how I was being treated especially considering I was #1 in the whole region but as a black man in the corporate world it comes with the territory. I thought to myself nothing has ever stopped me from accomplishing my goal, and I set a new goal, to play professional basketball overseas. Basketball was something I loved and I knew I would be able to do for a long time. Then 2 weeks later in a game I had a serious accident on the court. I collided with two guys and fractured my neck. After the accident I was  somewhere else (past the sky itself). Long story short I saw the light. I made peace with what happened and was ready to transition. I realized I never pursued a dream until it was too late. I asked myself if money didn’t matter what would I do, I said I would make music. I never pursued music before, I had no background in music, but music was a constant in my life. I had a choice to go into the light or return. I knew if I returned it would be an uphill battle, my body, my mind, everything had severe damage but I also knew I had a story to tell and a message to get out there. 

1 years after the accident, I finished my Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA), this was done by pure will and telling myself mind over matter everyday, because I lost a lot of my memory. After I graduated I was still in constant pain, and life became unenjoyable. So I immersed myself in all things musics, I started going to all the concerts I wanted to, listening to music, rapping along side of the music as a form of speech therapy, and writing “songs” in quotations because I had no idea what I was doing lol. 

I went to a Lupe Fiasco concert by myself because I said I will no longer miss opportunities for others because life is short and unpredictable so enjoy it for you and no one else, and it was one of the best decisions I made. I came to the show early to catch the opening acts and I saw my homie Cam Archer perform, I was blown away by his skill, the beats he was rapping on, and I went up to him and gave him his flowers. I told him I wanted to start making music and I was inspired by him and wanted to pick his brain. He said bet, and introduced me to Oh Gosh Leotus. These guys welcomed me and introduced me to other people in the IE that were making music. I was no where near their skill level but they saw potential. Since then I have been locked in and just have been on the grind, head down working to create music, and improving my skill. 

I started my music journey about 5 years ago and was just figuring things out. I got to a point where I had songs I liked but I was not comfortable releasing the music. At the end of 2021 I started releasing my first tracks just to get in the habit of releasing music and getting out of my own way. You can’t see the light/omens in your life if you don’t take the first step on faith. I released a few more tracks in the beginning of 2022. Full circle my boy Cam Archer who inspired me to make music saw Curren$y was coming to Garden Grove, Ca July 9th 2022 and he hit me up and said I should open for him. One of the first opportunities to be outside after the pandemic and a huge show which I never done before. I missed the opportunity because the slots filled up so fast. At that moment most of my equipment broke at the same time. 

This was a pivotal moment in my journey, because I could have threw my hands up and said fuck it, it’s not paying off, I am a VP in Business Banking I have my needs met, I don’t want to reinvest in all this new equipment, but after reading the Alchemist which my boy F.Pharaoh (another person who inspired me) put  me on, something that stuck out in the book was, before you receive the blessings, gifts,  and/or  desires you will be tested to make sure you are ready to receive what’s on the other end of those gifts. I felt like this was a test, I doubled down and got new equipment, new computer, new software, new mic, new interface. I told myself it would be dope to open for Curren$y as his music is something that kept me going during my rehab, dropping project after project it always gave me something to look forward too, it would be an honor to share the same stage. But I also had an honest conversation with myself and said I don’t think my music is quite there yet. So I worked on music to prepare for the next opportunity, All my time not working was spent in the studio and I came out with some track that felt different. This was the first time I felt really happy with my music and I said next time Curren$y is in town I will be ready. June 29th I got the call “do you still want to open up for Curren$y” The Alchemist also says every blessing ignored becomes a curse and I knew this was a blessing and to just step out on faith and do the show that was only 10 days away. I got ready for the show, my folks came out to support me, I performed all my new songs I just made, and the crowd was vibing! It was an amazing experience and when I had strangers coming up to me for the first time saying my music was dope, I said I am here now.

I came back from the show so excited I immediately got back in the studio the next day, I worked on a few more tracks and said I am going to drop an Album, the people liked the music, they need to be able to get to it too. I set a date of 11/11/22 planned an album release party for 11/12/22. Again I said let me get out of my own way and make sure I make this happen with no excuses, no going back and forth, no backing out. I did and the feedback and response has been amazing. The album release party was live, and the streams on my project “Coupe Etiquette” are doing better than I could have ever imagined. I did put budget behind marketing because I felt like this was the one that I can show the world who I am musically.

What has been your biggest obstacle in your journey as an artist?

Finding my voice/finding my pocket, coming into music I did not know what sound I wanted to go for. I wanted to be the jack of all trades, I would hop on any beat, I would stretch myself sonically, and try to be the lyrical miracle rapper.

When I took a step back and took an assessment of what I really like and who I am, I got more laid back on the track and started using my natural voice which felt right, then I was able to start playing with my sound and finding my flow.

What lessons have you learned?

Comparison is the thief of joy, you don’t know what journey someone took to get to where they are. If you look at their flowers look at them for motivation but you must plant the seeds in your own garden to get your flowers.

Tell us about your music; how would you describe your sound?

SMOOTH BANGERS!!! That’s my sound that’s who I am. I’m just a cool ass dude who raps over slapping ass beats.

What other artists would you compare yourself to?

Curren$y, Larry June, Premo Rice

If you could work with any artists, who would you choose?

Curren$y, Larry June, Lupe Fiasco, Premo Rice, Sir, Key Glock, Kai Cash, Trevor Spitta, BlueBucksClan, Freddie Gibbs

808 Mafia, The Alchemist, 

What sets you apart from other artists?

I am true to myself, the music is true to me, my experiences and my journey that got me here are my own. I have a smooth sound but I am still lyrical and have wordplay.. Whether you like dope beats or lyrics or something you can just ride too, that’s what I deliver. Mixed in with some real life game and Player Vibes and motivation, that’s what separates me from others.

What should we know about your work?

I had a lot of fun making it, falling in love with the work is true enjoyment, I love the grind, I put in a lot of work to get here, to be comfortable with my sound, to be comfortable on stage, to be comfortable to express myself. Making music is a dream I am living, it gives me joy it’s purpose and passion intertwined, I am thankful because it doesn’t feel like work. So you can expect more because I don’t ever plan on stopping.

I write my raps, I record myself, I manage myself and others. 

And I am still plan to learn more in the studio.

What are your plans for the future?

Keep going! 

I want to open for Larry June next, and eventually headline shows along side of Curren$y and Larry June, and become a Headliner myself. 

In the immediate future, I am working on Coupe Etiquette Pt. 2 Dropping sometime in 2023, I am going to continue to push Coupe Etiquette, everywhere I can.

I got branding I am working on, putting together some merch.

I plan on doing PayDay LA soon, I am just trying to get my name out there locally amongst the influences in the city.

Going on tour is a goal of mine, so that’s in the future, till then work on curating shows and experiences people can enjoy.

What motivates you, or keeps you going?

Simply just the love of music. I can hear a beat and find motivation, I can hear a new song and find motivation. My friends can be working on music and I get motivated, I can go to a concert and get motivated. 

I stay motivated, like I said I love the grind motivation is not even needed, it’s embedded in me at this point.

Curren$y is a big part of the motivation and how much music he puts out, and knowing how that helped me get through the most challenging time of my life, I got to pay it forward. 

I want people to be motivated to be their best, to feel good, to workout, to get up and put in that work, put it on in the car and help them get to their destination, and to just have fun.

Tell us something that might surprise people about you.

Everyday since my accident I have been in pain, going on 7 years since the accident. Neck pain, numbness, tingling, back pain, hip pain, migraines, arm, and leg pain, pins and needle feeling throughout my body. 

Through the pain, I made some of the best memories of my life, still made dreams come true, and if I had the chance to do it again, I would. Yea it sucks to be in pain, but it’s great to be woken up to living a dream. It’s great getting the realization/wake up call, and it’s great to be on a path that is for me and no for one else.

How do you define success?

Finding what you love and doing it in any capacity possible.

 Living off of the music is at the top of my current list, but every step getting there is a success.

Tell us about any projects or music you have coming out.

Coupe Etiquette just dropped 11/11/22 - Go get that everywhere Big Toks - Coupe Etiquette on all streaming platforms.

Coupe Etiquette Pt. 2 will becoming out sometime in 2023, “Still Groovin” is the single will Drop either February or March.

What do you want people to know about you? Anything else you want mentioned?

I was a manager before I was rapper, I was a business man before I was a manager. I am looking for people who want to do business and put shows/experiences together.

I want to build a team and I want to help artist with the business side of music as much as I can.

How can people find you and contact you?

Big.Toks - Instagram 


Bigtoks_ - twitter

Solo.to/big.toks - Website

Big Toks - All Streaming Platforms

Big Toks
Instagram: Big.Toks

https://open.spotify.com/track/5oMwVkbinLKAeUsLDrpPdx?si=afac884bfc8d4989 - Bitch I’m Groovy

https://open.spotify.com/album/6woNLqKwLOuju1ZRffZ6NI?si=0-eBCEY2RFe96eJz1owKpA - Coupe Etiquette - The Album

https://music.apple.com/us/album/coupe-etiquette/1649995077 - Coupe Etiquette on Apple Music

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