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L.A. Music Scene Mistakes: Skipping Local DJs & Platforms – How to Properly Network as an Artist

The Power of Local Connections in the L.A. Music Scene

In the hustle of the L.A. music scene, many up-and-coming artists make a crucial mistake: they skip over local DJs and platforms, reaching straight for big-name connections. Unfortunately, this often leads to being ignored or lost in the noise. The truth is, real growth comes from building relationships with those on your level—your peers who are also grinding and pushing to make a name for themselves.

When you collaborate with other artists, DJs, and platforms that are in the same stage of their careers, you create a network of support. These are the people who understand your struggles and victories and are more likely to give you the time and attention you need to thrive. Together, you can build a community that lifts everyone up, making it possible to rise together.

Why Local Networking Matters

  1. Accessibility: Local DJs and platforms are more accessible and relatable. They are actively looking for fresh talent to showcase and help elevate.

  2. Mutual Growth: By working with peers, you contribute to each other’s growth. When one person wins, the entire group benefits.

  3. Community Building: The connections you build within your local scene can lead to long-lasting relationships that support your career long-term.

  4. Organic Reach: Local platforms have an audience that trusts them. When you get support from these platforms, you gain the trust of their audience as well, leading to more genuine engagement.

Action Steps for Proper Networking

  1. Attend Local Events: Go to open mics, showcases, and listening parties. Meet people face-to-face and start building connections.

  2. Support Your Peers: Engage with other artists and DJs on social media. Share their content, attend their shows, and genuinely support their hustle.

  3. Collaborate: Work with local producers, DJs, and other artists. Whether it’s a feature, remix, or even a co-hosted event, collaboration strengthens relationships.

  4. Follow Up: After meeting someone, make sure to follow up. Whether it’s a message thanking them for their time or sending them a link to your latest project, keeping in touch is key.

  5. Be Genuine: Don’t just network for the sake of it. Be genuine in your approach and build relationships based on mutual respect and shared goals.

  6. Leverage Local Media: Reach out to local blogs, radio stations, and platforms that focus on your city’s scene. They are often eager to promote local talent.

By focusing on building strong, local connections, you set the foundation for long-term success in the industry. Remember, it’s not always about who you know at the top; it’s about who you grow with on the way there.

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