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15 Money Mistakes You Need to Avoid in Your 20s

Hey guys! Have you ever heard about the golden financial rule? Don’t spend more than 30% of your income after taxes on rent. In fact, split your income 50-20-30. That means 50% goes to rent, food, and transportation altogether, 20% goes to savings, and 30% on what you enjoy. Or what about diving head-first into credit cards? Your parents might tell you it’s a good way to build your credit, but that’s only if you’re responsible with that magic plastic card. Ah... If I could go back in time and talk to myself at age 22! Not to sound like an “old guy dishing out all my wise advice to the youngin’s – heh heh”, but if you can still avoid some common money mistakes people make in their 20s, you’ll be doing yourself a big favor!

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