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The MCU Is About To Look Way Different After Endgame

From changes to the Avengers lineup to a new Guardians of the Galaxy movie and a whole bunch of potential new villains, here are some of the major changes that we can expect to see as the Marvel Cinematic Universe moves past Endgame into Phase 4.

One of the biggest question marks surrounding the end of Phase 3 has been who will be left standing after the story of the Infinity Stones wraps up. While a comic book character's story can go on basically forever, the situation is different when those characters are played by real people. Actors have contracts, and contracts have expiration dates.

Most of the original Avengers lineup is facing the end of their deals with Marvel as of Avengers: Endgame. Whether it's through heroic death or well-earned retirement, our time with some of these characters is coming to an end.

That said, the odds of losing all six original Avengers in a single film is kinda inconceivable, especially since we know Black Widow is getting her own movie. But it's pretty likely that we'll be saying farewell to some familiar faces as the saga of the Infinity Stones come to a close, and the next era of the MCU takes off. Things used to feel so simple, and now, everything is about to change.

Captain Marvel dominated the box office in 2019, with the flying, photon-blasting fighter pilot raising the stakes on what the MCU's heroes are capable of on screen.

Her solo film also laid the foundation for a seriously super-powered future. While the movie left with Carol Danvers out in space on her own adventures, it's clear that Danvers will be joining up with the Earth-bound Avengers for Endgame and its aftermath.

Don't just take our word for it. Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige has said that Captain Marvel is, quote, "about to take the lead and be at the forefront of the entire cinematic universe." He's also confirmed that she'll be arriving to the series as its most powerful character at least, for a little while.

Much like the actors who came before her in the series, Brie Larson has reportedly signed a seven-picture deal with Marvel, so we can count on seeing a lot more of the new Captain all the way through Phase 4, and maybe even beyond.

Infinity War and Endgame are two of the biggest movies in cinematic history, so it makes sense that phase 4 is kicking off with a slightly-more-grounded story.

Arriving just a few months after the fourth Avengers movie is Spider-Man: Far from Home, the second full-fledged solo movie for the webslinger in the MCU.

According to producers, the film will bring Peter back down to Earth after his experience with the Avengers, with the high schooler attempting a return to normal life.

While the MCU will probably ramp up to another Thanos-sized threat eventually, it's starting things off with a narrower scope.