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You Can't Build A Church With Non-Believers

It's about time somebody told you the truth; you simply can't build your dreams, your empire or your church with a bunch of non believers.
The saddest part of the journey of life for those who try to build something great, move humanity forward or simply attempt to build their crazy dreams is that you very quickly find human beings generally have an inability to see anything other than what their eyes can see.
Unfortunately, our greatest weakness and most of our pain and our need to be controlled as a race of beings and a civilization comes from us not being able to use our imagination to see what is possible, what can be created and what can manifest itself if a group of people come together with the same powerful vision.
I had to learn the hard way, that you simply can't build your empire with non believers and I also learnt that you have to systematically remove anything and anyone from your life who simply does not serve you, share your vision or celebrate you and your work.
There will be very few people who will want to build with you, who have the faith to stay by your side and who share your vision... but when you find those souls you want them on your team. They are the builders, they are the visionaries and they are the ones who walk in faith.
There will be many more who wait and see what you create and build, not having the faith to step in at ground zero but hoping for a cushy job once you have already built it. They are the followers, they do not see and they are ultimately expendable - which is most people in any organisation or company.
Then you have the third group of people, who even after you've built the pyramids and it's bang smack in front of them they simply refuse to see. They can not see what you have built or created, they are the doubters and they are the souls who are blind and can not see. As you already know, there are many of them...
You can't walk in absolute faith and certainty being surrounded by people who live in doubt and fear and simply do not see you as the person you are becoming or in fact have already become.
Build it and they will come, but in my book that's just a little too late to join the party.