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Can Conversations Be Draining?

YES!!!!! Conversation's can be very draining, we need to cultivate an awareness of the energy we’re encountering on a daily basis and use practical tools to cleanse, ground, and protect ourselves from the energies that are darker, heavier, and more negative. The intake of Drama , Gossip , and simply bad news can open doors for negative energies that can flood you... then drain you with a feeling of emptiness. There's many ways to protect your energy and recharge, see list below.

  1. Become aware. ... 
  2. Put up your guard. ... 
  3. Connect with your own rhythm of breathing. ... 
  4. “What's mine is mine. ... 
  5. Take a cold shower. ... 
  6. Immerse yourself in a salt bath. ... 
  7. Plug in to nature's electrical field by earthing yourself. ... 
  8. Use smoky quartz crystal.
  9. Place your hands in the Kashyapa Mudra.

  10. Activate your sacred space.

  11. Invite Archangel Michael.

  12. “I now release anything that does not serve me.”